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Archive for the ‘Academic Articles’ Category

How Will Your Child’s Face Grow?

 :: Posted by nealcmurphy on 09-12-2013

Your child’s face will grow based on three things. In his usual resting mouth posture…

Are the teeth together? Are the lips together? Is the tongue on the roof of the mouth?

With this normal oral posture, the face and teeth will grow optimally. Without this normal oral posture, the face will not grow properly, and any orthodontics will be less stable.

In the video below you will see time lapse (morphs) that show changes in facial structure over a period of several years. Compare the changes in patients who were treated with traditional techniques that pull teeth backwards in the face and/or extractions to the patients who were treated with the non-extraction appliances like those used by Dr Neal C. Murphy.
Call Dr. Murphy’s office to learn more at: 818-905-5050

(Originally uploaded by beyondstraight)

Premature and injudicious extraction of bicuspid teeth has a retarding effect on facial growth the way damage to the growth plate limits the growth of legs. A serious injury in a growing child.


Corticotomy and Stem Cell Therapy for Orthodontists and Periodontists: Rationale, Hypotheses, and Protocol

 :: Posted by nealcmurphy on 01-09-2013

Stem-Cell-Therapy-for-Orthodontists and Periodontists:

This chapter is about Professor EO Wilson’s Consilience: the Unity of  Knowledge – it synthesizes periodontics and orthodontics, academics and practice, making the ideal practical. The dental specialties, divided by culture, are inseparable in science and justified by art, like the relationship between architects and structural engineers. The interface between these two disciplines focuses on two aspects: what can orthodontics do for periodontology and what can periodontics do for orthodontics? This chapter first reviews salient points of joint management that may have eluded prior papers on the subject and go into some more depth. So orthodontists can use periodontal knowledge and periodontists can answer the needs of the orthodontist. Safe methods of recognizing and avoiding attachment loss are described along with the use of asymmetric eruption when using forced eruption or molar uprighting. The concept of bone morphing is introduced and a rationale is presented that explains gingival recession as a bacterial infection, not tooth movement complication.
Finally, a method of quantizing infection, probing efficiently, and assigning infection control management tips is briefly and succinctly presented.

Read more…


Maxillary Alveolus Development – Cosmetic Dental Arch Expansion

 :: Posted by nealcmurphy on 07-11-2012

Before and After Photos…

Alveolus Development for broader smiles and more esthetic facial development. This is not stable if done rapidly and non-surgically. It is however more stable if dentoalveolar surgery is employed (Wilckodontics TM) or the supporting bone is enlarged naturally through tissue engineering and facial growth guidance. (Williams Method)

View the photos here (click)


Corticotomy and Tissue Engineering for Orthodontists

 :: Posted by nealcmurphy on 07-11-2012

A Critical History and Commentary
A scientific manuscript submitted for publication in the journal
Seminars in Orthodontics

by NEAL C. MURPHY DDS, MS*, Clinical Professor
Departments of Periodontics & Orthodontics
Case Western Reserve University
School of Dental Medicine, Cleveland, Ohio USA 44106

Read the full manuscript here…


Beyond the Ligament

 :: Posted by nealcmurphy on 07-11-2012

A “Whole Bone” Approach to Dentofacial Orthopedics

and Falsification of Universal Alveolar Immutability

 A Manuscript submitted for publication in the  American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

 July 4, 2007

 by  Neal C. Murphy, DDS, MS 1.2

Associate Clinical Professor,

Department of Periodontology & Affiliated Skeletal Research Center

Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine

Cleveland, Ohio USA

 Lecturer, Sections of Orthodontics

 UCLA School of Dentistry

Los Angeles, CA  USA

Read the full article here… (click)

Dr. Murphy’s Academic Background

 :: Posted by nealcmurphy on 01-15-2012


Dr. Neal C. Murphy has been involved in dental education for over 25 years. He has taught at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, his alma mater, the University of Southern California , USC.  From 1981-2010 Dr. Murphy was involved deeply in educational activities at UCLA  and served three terms as President of the UCLA Orthodontic Alumni Association.

Stem Cell Therapy

 :: Posted by nealcmurphy on 09-14-2010

STEM CELL FINAL PAPER – Tuesday, 9-15-10, 1106 am PDT

Modern Stem Cell therapy, evidence-based and scientifically valid, is a branch of regenerative medicine but it does not involve controversial embryonic stem cells. This protocol uses Adult Stem Cells that reduce local immunologic reactions and put over 1,000,000 bone forming cells to work only where they are needed. The surgery is relatively benign because it goes no further than 1-2 mm below the tissue. That’s the thickness of two thin dime.

Orthodontic problems usually involve more than “crooked teeth”. For most patients a jaw malalignment is also present. Thus, comprehensive orthodontic therapy involves some orthoPEDIC treatment. Of course one can cover up the jaw malalignment by taking out perfectly healthy teeth but that compromises facial appearance in time. This is called a “dished-in” appearance and affects about 25% of patients. Sometimes is referred to pejoratively as “that orthodontic look”. Modern orthodontic and facial orthopedic therapy avoids this esthetic defect but sometimes it is unavoidable. That is were Stem Cell Therapy can help. Instead of undergoing major jaw surgery in a hospital, orthodontists can now inject or surgically implant stem cells just under the surface of the gums to to grow new bone as the tooth roots are moved. Although medical orthopedic surgeons have been using this technique for over a decade in spinal fusion surgery it was added to orthodontic and periodontic regeneration protocols about 5 years ago.

What follows is a final draft for a book chapter that will be published in 2011. I hope you enjoy this “sneak preview”. Stay tuned to this blog for future additions and links.

AO! & Better Dental Care

 :: Posted by nealcmurphy on 06-04-2010

SIO – Mihram, Murphy 12-15-08

Accelerated orthodontics with Advance Orthodontics AO! or PAOOTM can make comprehensive dental care, bridges, implants and cosmetic veneers easier, better and less expensive. Moreover, faster tooth movement means less time for bacteria to infect the supporting tissues and reduce the risk of infection in distant vital organs.

Tissue Engineering

 :: Posted by nealcmurphy on 06-02-2010

Thailand Lecture – Tissue Engineering for Orthodontists

This article was commissioned by the Harvard Society for the Advancement of Orthodontics and directed for Harvard PhD’s. Thus it is not particularly clinician friendly at first glance. However, if one studies each paragraph and sentence, well footnoted and documented from emerging biological sciences one will find it most edifying over time.

Derivative article are forthcoming and will be written with specific readers in mind to make the text authoritative but lucid.

Have no doubt. The data herein represent authoritative sources and set the stage for practical alveolus bone engineering that has been done by well trained dentists throughout the world for the past 10-20 years. The specific protocol was first developed by Professor M. Thomas Wilcko of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. For an excellent review of hands-on surgical methods we strongly recommend that you contact and take the two day course for dentists in Erie, Pennsylvania, USA.

In the meantime, this article provides the scientific apologia that has subsequently been used to explain WHY Dr. Wilcko’s surgery works so well. We were compelled to present this because contemporary orthodontic theory says what we get is impossible! When new natural phenomena are observed that contemporary or old theory cannot explain or predict one forms a new theory. This article does that by synthesizing existing and emerging biologic science that bring forth new frontiers for patient care with volcanic force.